

I have been listening to the podcast ‘The happiness lab’ by Dr. Laurie Santos, a Professor of Psychology at Yale University. Every time I listen to one of her podcasts, I feel inspired. Therefore, I wanted to pass along the inspiration and share it with you. 

Last night before going to bed I listened to ‘Happiness lessons of the Ancients: Forgiveness’. This was about how to practice forgiveness and how it helps our physical as well as mental health. Forgiveness is simple yet difficult to put into practice. We all have been there when someone else messes up things for you and you are utterly upset. It hurts you emotionally. Forgiving might be the last thing you want to do. However, forgiving is the wise solution. This forgiveness lesson is inspired by Christianity. Often when we are having a hard time forgiving, we need our ‘why’. In Christianity there is a saying, something like this – forgive because the Lord forgave you. This will be my ‘why’. Someone forgave you when you did not know any better, maybe it’s a friend, a family, or a stranger.

Also, you do not need to be religious to follow this. I am not religious (I’m rather spiritual) but I can take this lesson with me anywhere in my life and be a better human than I was yesterday. Forgiving is one step closer to happiness. Holding something against someone is exhausting mentally and consequently, can impede your physical health. Letting go is relieving. Not just forgiving others but forgiving yourself is important. I, actually, find this one challenging but I’m learning and working on it. Sometimes forgiving yourself is harder than forgiving others. It is important you are kind to yourself too. Time does not flow back. What’s done is done. All we can do is be forgiving and move forward, just like time.