You’ll love this Naan Pizza!


Hello, pizza lovers! This recipe is ideal for making a simple yet delicious meal at home. And it takes only about 30 minutes. Here, I am using naan ( flatbread) to make two different pizzas: one with pepperoni topping and another with chicken.

As for the sauce, I am using tomato sauce for pepperoni and buffalo sauce for chicken. You can use a store-bought tomato sauce (a pasta sauce would be fine) or make your own. I used some tomato paste, Italian seasoning, a little bit of minced garlic, and sautéed it in a pan before adding some water for tomato sauce. I just used a store-bought buffalo sauce for the second pizza.


  1. Naan – 2
  2. Buffalo Sauce – 4 to 5 tbsp
  3. Tomato Sauce –  4 to 5 tbsp
  4. Mozzarella Cheese – as desired
  5. Frozen Grilled Chicken – 1 cup
  6. Pepperoni –  12 slices or as desired
  7. Bacon Bits –  3 tbsp
  8. Onion – ½ cup
  9. Jalapeño – 7 to 10 slices


Place your naan on a baking wire in a baking pan. Then, it is all about layering. Start with the sauce. Spread tomato sauce on one naan and buffalo sauce on another. The second layer is the cheese. Add cheese as you desire. After that, add your meat: pepperoni on tomato sauce and chicken on buffalo sauce naan. Add onion on both. Add jalapeño on the one with chicken. Lastly, sprinkle bacon bits on both. Let them hang in the preheated oven for 15 min at 400°F. Dinner is ready in 15!

You can also use different kinds of veggies that you like for your pizza! I enjoyed making these pizzas. Let me know if this recipe works out for you. If you have any tips and tricks for making pizza, I would love to know.